Change your Mondays forever
Interested in learning tricks to achieve high performance? Get insights from coach Majbrit Bøtger
mandag d. 26. september 2022
- 09:00
Have you experienced stress or even to feel burn-out in your worklife? Where you get to a point of pointlessness and it’s hard to find meaning and motivation for anything?
High Performance coach Majbritt Bøttger has been there, and ended up in a place where she needed to reinvent her life.
She became a coach and got equipped with the tools for high performance without burning out. That positive energy that will make you thrive and work effectively, without feeling stress. Join Majbrit at this monday morning event.
You will learn how to:
- Turn doubt into self-confidence
- Plan for success
- Get what you want
- Be a role model and create a legacy
Underviser: Majbrit Bøttger
Price: Free
The event is in English